
Illustration Ideas

Note: these are general ideas only. They have not yet been confirmed for implementation.

An excerpt of ideas added by wolftune:

  • Basic economic terminology
    • Rival vs. non-rival goods / scarcity vs. post-scarcity economics
      • Ideas vs containers (see
      • Inappropriate piracy metaphor: traditional pirates ransack ships and take things; but copy pirates come up to a ship and then BLOOP have duplicate cargo! No loss of original object, no piracy. Value of original object has simply changed because of scarcity status.
  • Mechanism illustrations
    • Cartoon guy going through the steps of using the system, adding some $, make some pledges, gets matched, funds run out, adds more, etc.
    • Could contrast our system and the bigger difference from matching versus plain donation
    • Network effect: technical term for our matching system. When every node in a network can connect to every other node, network utility scales quadratically while the number of nodes scales linearly, as each new node may connect separately to each old node. Wikipedia public domain illustration
  • Game theory dilemmas
    • Prisoner’s Dilemma: matrix illustration of the four possible outcomes, showing why defection is the best default strategy
    • Snowdrift Dilemma: the same, this time showing why default strategies vary between defection and cooperation
    • Iteration: showing that information carries over from one cycle to another (remembering past slights or assists)
  • Slogan and presentation ideas/concepts are always open for illustration

  • Infographics for each area of our targeted messaging
    • Music idea: participatory vs performative: music played to exclusive paid audience behind a wall by professional performers vs group music making. We invite the professional music to be shared more freely and the pros to come join in, lead, coach, fully participate with the groups of folk musicians; thus keeping everything participatory but raising the quality and still providing livelihood for the pros.
  • Possibilities beyond existing pages
    • Narrative stories about who we are or why we’re involved with