
Matching of pledge value increases

Originally, we had the following framing of extra matching of increases. Compared to a fixed donation that does not increase, the fact that each patron increases their donations together means that each little extra from each patron is matched by more and more other patrons as the crowd grows. The following chart describes this.

Existing patrons match each new patron

The chart below shows the increase in project funding (not the new total) that happens when one new patron pledges. The blue indicates one patron’s donation (all patrons donate that same amount each). When a new patron pledges, each existing patron adds 0.1¢ extra — indicated in orange. The combined increase from all previous patrons matches the entire new patron’s donation.1

Get matched many times over

Of course, this means not only that each new patron gets matched by everyone else, it also means that each existing patron’s extra 0.1¢ is matched many times over! It’s nice enough to receive 1-to-1 matching initially as a new patron. But matching others from then on means that each small increase in your donation gets matched at rates of 1,000-to-1 or 10,000-to-1 or more! Each extra penny from you is always part of a significant increase for the project.

  1. This is all technically off by a single 0.1¢ because each patron includes themselves in the calculation for their donation. We could calculate with a minus-one to make the a precise 1:1 matching of new-patron and existing-patrons, but we feel that makes explaining the calculation slightly more complex for no real benefit.